Hiking as an Act of Resistance: A Manifesto, MEDIUM, September 17, 2023
Depression, Tech Fatigue, and What I Found in the Mountains of Utah, MEDIUM, May 29, 2023
What Music Will Be Featured in Season 3 of Stranger Things? FORBES, October 15, 2018.
The Forgotten Baldwin, BOSTON REVIEW, May 14, 2018.
Was Prince's Androgyny About Identity or Branding?, FORBES, May 6, 2018.
Black or White: How Dangerous Kicked Off Michael Jackson's Race Paradox, THE GUARDIAN, March 17, 2018.
The Nation Janet Jackson Built, THE ATLANTIC, September 15, 2014.
Is Crowdfunding Changing the Game for Filmmakers: A Q&A With Spike Lee, HUFF POST, October 14, 2013.
JOSEPH VOGEL is a bestselling author, professor, and entrepreneur.
He earned a PhD from the University of Rochester, and taught in higher education for several years, earning tenure in 2021, before transitioning to business and consulting.
He has published multiple critically-acclaimed books, including Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson (Vintage), This Thing Called Life: Prince, Race, Sex, Religion, and Music (Bloomsbury), and James Baldwin and the 1980s: Witnessing the Reagan Era (University of Illinois Press).
His work has appeared in The Atlantic, Forbes, The Guardian, Slate, and the Boston Review, among other publications. His articles have also been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including the James Baldwin Review, the F. Scott Fitzgerald Review, The Journal of Popular Culture, The Journal of American Culture, and the Journal of Popular Music Studies.
Vogel has appeared in several documentaries, including two by legendary filmmaker Spike Lee.
He is the founder and owner of the outdoor apparel brand, Timpanogos Hiking Co.
James Baldwin's Decline of Reputation in the 1980s. JAMES BALDWIN IN CONTEXT. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2019.
The Confessions of Quentin Tarantino: Whitewashing Slave Rebellion. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CULTURE. MARCH 2018.
"To Crush the Serpent": James, Baldwin, the Religious Right and the Moral Minority. JAMES BALDWIN REVIEW. DECEMBER 2016.
"Civilization is Going to Pieces": The Great Gatsby, Identity and Race, from the Jazz Age, to the Obama Era. F. SCOTT FITZGERALD REVIEW. DECEMBER 2015.
Freaks in the Reagan Era: James Baldwin, the New Pop Cinema and the American Ideal of Manhood. JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE. JUNE 2015.
"I Ain't Scared of No Sheets": Re-screening Black Masculinity in Michael Jackson's Black or White. JOURNAL OF POPULAR MUSIC STUDIES. MARCH 2015.
To book a one-on-one consulting appointment, click here.
For publishing inquiries, please contact my agent:
helen at zimmagency dot com
For media or other inquiries email me directly at
vogeljo at gmail dot com

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